Erik Brunvand
Translating Concurent Communicating programs into Asynchronous Circuits
September 1991
As VLSI technology improves the number of devices that can be built on a chip, and the speed of those devices continue to increase. These improvements allow much more complicated systems to be considered than were possible a short time ago. Along with these improvements, however, come many challenges directly associated with the speed and scale of the new circuits. This thesis presents a method for taming the complexity of large and fast VLSI systems. As chips get larger, and delays in signal propagation even inside a single chip become
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: As VLSI technology improves the number of devices that can be 
        built on a chip, and the speed of those devices continue to 
        increase. These improvements allow much more complicated systems
        to be considered than were possible a short time ago. Along with 		these improvements, however, come many challenges directly 
        associated with the speed and scale of the new circuits. This 
        thesis presents a method for taming the complexity of large and 		fast VLSI systems.
        As chips get larger, and delays in signal propagation even inside a single chip become 
Number: CMU-CS-91-198
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: sep
Author: Erik Brunvand
Title: Translating Concurent Communicating programs into Asynchronous 
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR