Stewart M. Clamen
Data Persistence in Programming Languages A Survey
May 1991
Data base systems are primarily concerned with the creation and maintenance of large, long-lived collections of data, while traditional programming languages have promoted such ideas as procedural control and data and functional abstraction. While each provides considerable utility in their respective domains, there exists a large number of applications that require functionality from both database and programming language systems. To this end, there has been serious effort the two domains. This paper concentrates on research developments which have resulted in programming language incorporating database functionality into their programming models, most importantly a concept of data persistence.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: Data base systems are primarily concerned with the creation and
        maintenance of large, long-lived collections of data, while 
        traditional programming languages have promoted such ideas as 
        procedural control and data and functional abstraction.
        While each provides considerable utility in their respective 
        domains, there exists a large number of applications that 
        require functionality from both database and programming 
        language systems.
        To this end, there has been serious effort the two domains.
        This paper concentrates on research developments which have 
        resulted in programming language incorporating database 
        functionality into their programming models, most importantly a
        concept of data persistence.
Number: CMU-CS-91-155
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: may
Author: Stewart M. Clamen
Title: Data Persistence in Programming Languages A Survey
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR