Robert Harper, Mark Lillibridge
Polymorphic Type Assignment and CPS Conversion
April 1992
Meyer and Wand established that the type of a term in the simply typed λ -calculus may be related in a straightforward manner to the type of its call-by value CPS transform. This typing property may be extended to Scheme-like continuation -passing primitives, from which the soundness of these extensions follows. We study the extension of these results to the Damas-Milner polymorphic type assignment system under both the call-by-value and call-by-name interpretations. We obtain CPS transforms for the call-by-value interpretation, provided that the polymorphic let is restricted to values, and for the call-by-name interpretation with no restrictions. We prove that there is no call-by-value CPS transform for the full Damas-Milner language that validates the Meyer-Wand typing property and is equivalent to the standard call-by-value transform to beta-eta-conversion.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: Meyer and Wand established that the type of a term in the simply
        typed  λ -calculus may be related in a straightforward 
        manner to the type of its call-by value CPS transform.
        This typing property may be extended to Scheme-like continuation
        -passing primitives, from which the soundness of these                          extensions follows.      	
        We study the extension of these results to the Damas-Milner 
        polymorphic type assignment system under both the call-by-value
        and call-by-name interpretations.
        We obtain CPS transforms for the call-by-value interpretation,
        provided that the polymorphic let is restricted to values, and
        for the call-by-name interpretation with no restrictions.
        We prove that there is no call-by-value CPS transform for the 
        full Damas-Milner language that validates the Meyer-Wand typing
        property and is equivalent to the standard call-by-value 
        transform to beta-eta-conversion.
Number: CMU-CS-92-122
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: apr
Author: Robert Harper
        Mark Lillibridge
Title: Polymorphic Type Assignment and CPS Conversion
Year: 1992
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR