Katsushi Ikeuchi, Martial Hebert
Task Oriented Vision
Jul 1991
This paper overviews two recently completed vision systems (a rock sampling system for planetary rovers and bin-picking system for industrial robots). Then, we will examine the reason why these two system have different architectures although their goals are roughly same, picking up something by vision observation. Based on this discussion, we will develop the task-oriented vision paradigm, and examine the difference between the task- oriented vision paradigm and the traditional Marr's paradigm. We will also explore the research issues necessary for completing the task-oriented vision paradigm.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: This paper overviews two recently completed vision systems
        (a rock sampling system for planetary  rovers and bin-picking
        system for industrial robots).
        Then, we will examine the reason why these two system have
        different architectures although their goals are roughly same,
        picking up something by vision observation.
        Based on this discussion, we will develop the task-oriented
        vision paradigm, and examine  the difference between the task-
        oriented vision paradigm and the traditional Marr's paradigm.
        We will also explore the research issues necessary for 
        completing the task-oriented vision paradigm.
Number: CMU-CS-91-163
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: Jul
Author: Katsushi Ikeuchi
        Martial Hebert			
Title: Task Oriented Vision
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR