Katsushi Ikeuchi , Takashi Suehiro
Twards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Task recognition with polyhedral objects
Aug 1991
Currently, most robot programming is done either by manual programming or by the "teach-by-showing" method using a teach pendant. Both of these methods have been found to have several drawbacks We propose a novel method to program a robot, the assembly- plan-from-observation (APO) method. The APO method aims to build a system that has the capability of observing a human performing an assembly task, understanding the task based on the observation, and generating the robot program to achieve the same task. In particular, this paper defines assembly task. Then, we verify that such assembly relations can be recovered from the observation of human assembly tasks, and that from such assembly relations, it is possible to generate robot motion commands to repeat the same assembly task. Finally, we demonstrate an APO system based on the assembly relations.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: Currently, most robot programming is done either by manual
        programming or by the "teach-by-showing" method using a teach
        Both of these methods have been found to have several drawbacks
        We propose a novel method to program a robot, the assembly-
        plan-from-observation (APO) method.
        The APO method aims to build a system that has the capability
        of observing a human performing an assembly task, understanding
        the task based on the observation, and generating the robot 
        program to achieve the same task.
        In particular, this paper defines assembly task.
        Then, we verify that such assembly relations can be recovered
        from the observation of human assembly tasks, and that from 
        such assembly relations, it is possible to generate robot 
        motion commands to repeat the same assembly task.
        Finally, we demonstrate an APO system based on the assembly
Number: CMU-CS-91-167
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: Aug
Author: Katsushi Ikeuchi 
        Takashi Suehiro		
Title: Twards an Assembly Plan from Observation:
        Task recognition with polyhedral objects
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR