Hiroshi Ishii
TeamWorkStation: Towards a Seamless Shared Workspace
Proceedings of ACM CSCW'90 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Shared Video Spaces
This paper introduces TeamWorkStation (TWS), a new desktop real-time shared workspace characterized by reduced cognitive seams. TWS integrates two existing kinds of individual workspaces, computers and desktops, to create a virtual shared workspace. The key ideas are the overlay of individual workspace images in a virtual shared workspace and the creation of a shared drawing surface. Because each co-worker can continue to use his/her favorite application programs or manual tools in the virtual shared workspace, the cognitive discontinuity (seam) between the individual and shared workspaces is greatly reduced, and users can shuttle smoothly between these two workspaces. This paper discusses where the seams exist in the current CSCW environment to clarify the issue of shared workspace design. The new technique of fusing individual workspaces is introduced. The application of TWS to the remote teaching of calligraphy is presented to show its potential. The prototype system is described and compared with other comparable approaches.
Copyright: (c) Copyright 1990 Association for Computing Machinery
Category: CSCW90
Abstract: This paper introduces TeamWorkStation (TWS), a new desktop real-time
        shared workspace characterized by reduced cognitive seams.  TWS integrates
        two existing kinds of individual workspaces, computers and desktops, to
        create a virtual shared workspace.  The key ideas are the overlay of
        individual workspace images in a virtual shared workspace and the creation
        of a shared drawing surface.  Because each co-worker can continue to use
        his/her favorite application programs or manual tools in the virtual shared
        workspace, the cognitive discontinuity (seam) between the individual and
        shared workspaces is greatly reduced, and users can shuttle smoothly
        between these two workspaces.
        This paper discusses where the seams exist in the current CSCW
        environment to clarify the issue of shared workspace design.  The new
        technique of fusing individual workspaces is introduced.  The application
        of TWS to the remote teaching of calligraphy is presented to show its
        potential.  The prototype system is described and compared with other
        comparable approaches.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Pages: 13-26
Booktitle: Proceedings of ACM CSCW'90 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative
Author: Hiroshi Ishii
Series: Shared Video Spaces
Title: TeamWorkStation: Towards a Seamless Shared Workspace
Date: 1990