John T. Stasko
A Practical Animation Language for Software Development
In this paper we describe a practical language for creating real-time, two-dimensonal, smooth, color animations. Animation can be an valuable component in a variety of domains such as user interface design, on-line help information, and computer aided instruction. Unfortunately, current methods for creating animations tend to be ad hoc, varying widely from application to applicaton. Another weakness of current methods is that reltively little work has been done on the formal specification and semantics of graphics, especially animation. Our animation language produces aesthetically pleasing, smooth imagery and is easy to learn and use. The language is based on four abstract data types: locations, images, paths, and transitions; animation designers create and modify objects of these types in order to produce animation sequenes. In addition, we provide a precise specification and semantics for all the data type operations. This rigorous definition helps simplify animation design by formalizing the actions resulting from the operations. We have implemented a prototype algorithm animation system that utilize ou design language as its basis.
Path-Transitionによるアニメーション生成。 Pathというのは図形の動く道すじで、Transitionはそれに 付属した動作を示す。Pathに従って動くTransitionとか Pathに従って色や形を変えるTransitionとかを指定する。
Category: Animation
Comment: Path-Transitionによるアニメーション生成。
Abstract: In this paper we describe a practical language for
        creating real-time, two-dimensonal, smooth, color
        animations. Animation can be an valuable component in
        a variety of domains such as user interface design,
        on-line help information, and computer aided
        instruction. Unfortunately, current methods for
        creating animations tend to be ad hoc, varying widely
        from application to applicaton. Another weakness of
        current methods is that reltively little work has been
        done on the formal specification and semantics of
        graphics, especially animation.
        Our animation language produces aesthetically
        pleasing, smooth imagery and is easy to learn and use. 
        The language is based on four abstract data types:
        locations, images, paths, and transitions; animation
        designers create and modify objects of these types in
        order to produce animation sequenes. In addition, we
        provide a precise specification and semantics for all
        the data type operations. This rigorous definition
        helps simplify animation design by formalizing the
        actions resulting from the operations. We have
        implemented a prototype algorithm animation system
        that utilize ou design language as its basis.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Pages: 1-10
Author: John T. Stasko
Booktitle: VLWS90?
Title: A Practical Animation Language for Software Development
Year: 1990