Reg G. Willson, Steven A. Shafer
Precision Imaging and Control for Machine Vision Research at Carnegie Mellon University
March 1992
In a perfect world we would be able to use the many possible degree of freedom in a camera system to do many useful things, such as accommodating for changes or differences in the scenes being imaged, correcting for camera behavior that isn't quite ideal, or measuring properties of the scene by nothing how the scene's image changes as the camera's parameters are varied. Unfortunately the parameters that control the formation of the camera's images often interact in complex and subtle ways that can cause unforeseen problems for machine vision tasks. To be able to effectively use multi degree of freedom camera systems we need to know how variations in the camera's control parameters are going to cause changes in the produced images. For this we need to have good mathematical models describing the relationships between the control parameters and the parameters of the resulting images. Ideally we would like to base the form of the models on an understanding of the underlying physical processes involved, but in many cases these are either unknown or are just too complex to model. In these situations experimentation and generalized modeling techniques are necessary. To perform the experiments needed to develop and validate models and to obtain calibration data for the models we need precise automated imaging systems. In this report we describe the camera systems developed for Carnegie Mellon University's Calibrated Imaging Lab and show how these systems have been used to develop methods for using computer-controlled cameras and lenses.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: In a perfect world we would be able to use the many possible 
        degree of freedom in a camera system to do many useful things, 
        such as accommodating for changes or differences in the scenes 
        being imaged, correcting for camera behavior that isn't quite 
        ideal, or measuring properties of the scene by nothing how the 
        scene's image changes as the camera's parameters are varied.
        Unfortunately the parameters that control the formation of the
        camera's images often interact in complex and subtle ways that
        can cause unforeseen problems for machine vision tasks.
        To be able to effectively use multi degree of freedom camera
        systems we need to know how variations in the camera's control
        parameters are going to cause changes in the produced images.
        For this we need to have good mathematical models describing the
        relationships between the control parameters and the parameters 
        of the resulting images.
        Ideally we would like to base the form of the models on an 
        understanding of the underlying physical processes involved, but
        in many cases these are either unknown or are just too complex 
        to model.
        In these situations experimentation and generalized modeling 
        techniques are necessary.
        To perform the experiments needed to develop and validate models
        and to obtain calibration data for the models we need precise 
        automated imaging systems.
        In this report we describe the camera systems developed for
        Carnegie Mellon University's Calibrated Imaging Lab and show
        how these systems have been used to develop methods for using
        computer-controlled cameras and lenses.
Number: CMU-CS-92-118
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: mar
Author: Reg G. Willson
        Steven A. Shafer
Title: Precision Imaging and Control for Machine Vision Research
        at Carnegie Mellon University
Year: 1992
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR