J.F. Gerrissen, J.V. Itegem, J. Daamen
Simple-Simon's GesturePad: A puppet for added expressiveness in communication and interaction
SIGCHI'90: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 1-5 1990
The authors describe how a limited number of on-screen hand postures (gestures) can be invoked from a keypad. The gestures not only add a new interaction technique to the interface, but are also useful for supporting computer-mediated communication between people, for example remote sharing of a workspace.
Category: CSCW
Commentary2: Poster presentation.
Abstract: The authors describe how a limited number of
        on-screen hand postures (gestures) can be invoked
        from a keypad. The gestures not only add a new
        interaction technique to the interface,  but are
        also useful for supporting computer-mediated
        communication between people, for example remote
        sharing of a workspace.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Booktitle: SIGCHI'90: Conference on Human Factors in
        Computing Systems
Author: J.F. Gerrissen
        J.V. Itegem
        J. Daamen
Month: April 1-5
Title: Simple-Simon's GesturePad: A puppet for added
        expressiveness in communication and interaction
Note: shared workspace, remote meetings
Year: 1990
Address: Seattle, Washington