H. Rex Hartson, Deborah Hix, Thomas M. Kraly
Developing Human-Computer Interface Models and Representation Techniques
May 1990
The Dialogue Management Project at Virginia Tech is studying the poorly understood problem of human-computer dialogue development. This problem often leads to low usability in human-computer dialogues. The Dialogue Management Project approaches solutions to low usability in interfaces by addressing human-computer dialogue development as an integral and equal part of the total system development process. This project consists of two rather distinct, but dependent, parts. One is development of concepts for dialogue management, and the other is implementation of a dialogue management systems (DMS) to evaluate these concepts. The goal of this paper is to describe our approach to the development of two of these conceptual aspects and how we oriented those toward the needs of practical implementation. The two conceptual aspects are (a) a structual, descriptive model of human-computer interaction, and (b) Techniques for representing both the behavioural (end-user's) view and the constructional (developer's) view of dialogue.
逐次型ダイアログを記述するための枠組みの提案。ダイア ログを計算部と分離し、言語学モデルによりダイアログを 表現する。(例えば、'show dir'というコマンドを入力する とき、's','h'は形態素に対応し、'show'はトークンに対応 し、'show dir'は文に対応するといったもの。) ダイアログは階層的状態遷移グラフで表現する。状態には ダイアログ部と計算部の2種類がある。
結局フォームとか対話型インタフェースにしか使えない状 態遷移記述であり、何が面白いのかわからない。
Category: UI
Journal: Software - Practice and Experience
Comment: 逐次型ダイアログを記述するための枠組みの提案。ダイア
        表現する。(例えば、'show dir'というコマンドを入力する
        し、'show dir'は文に対応するといったもの。)
Abstract: The Dialogue Management Project at Virginia Tech is
        studying the poorly understood problem of
        human-computer dialogue development. This problem
        often leads to low usability in human-computer
        dialogues. The Dialogue Management Project approaches
        solutions to low usability in interfaces by
        addressing human-computer dialogue development as an
        integral and equal part of the total system
        development process. This project consists of two
        rather distinct, but dependent, parts. One is
        development of concepts for dialogue management, and
        the other is implementation of a dialogue management
        systems (DMS) to evaluate these concepts. The goal of
        this paper is to describe our approach to the
        development of two of these conceptual aspects and
        how we oriented those toward the needs of practical
        The two conceptual aspects are
        (a) a structual, descriptive model of human-computer
        interaction, and
        (b) Techniques for representing both the behavioural
        (end-user's) view and the constructional
        (developer's) view of dialogue.
Number: 5
Bibtype: Article
Author: H. Rex Hartson
        Deborah Hix
        Thomas M. Kraly
Pages: 425-457
Month: may
Title: Developing Human-Computer Interface Models and
        Representation Techniques
Comment1: 結局フォームとか対話型インタフェースにしか使えない状
Year: 1990
Volume: 20