Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer
Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information
2nd Workshop on Data Integration over the Web (DiWeb'02)
May 2002
The affordances of paper have ensured its retention as a key information medium, in spite of dramatic increases in the use of digital technologies for information storage, processing and delivery. Recent developments in paper, printing and wand technologies may lead to the widespread use of digitally augmented paper in the near future, thereby enabling the paper and digital worlds to be linked together. We are interested in using these technologies to achieve a true integration of printed and digital information sources such that users may browse freely back and forth between paper and digital resources. We present web-based server technologies that support this integration by allowing users to dynamically link areas of printed documents to objects of an application database. The server component is implemented using the eXtensible Information Management Architecture (XIMA) and is independent of the particular paper, printing and reader technologies used to realise the digitally augmented paper. The framework presented manages semantic information about application objects, documents, users, links and client devices and it supports universal client access.
の上の情報とデジタル情報をリンクする。 紙からデジタル情報へのリンクだけではなく、 デジタル情報から紙へのリンクや、紙同志のリンクなども大事であり、 それを可能にするためにはサーバのアーキテクチャが大事であるという主張。 紙の上のどこをポイントしているかを検出できる透明バーコード(?)を 利用するといっているが、具体的にどういう技術なのかよくわからない。
Disappearing Computer Initiativeに参加している Paper++というプロジェクトをやっている。
何故サーバアーキテクチャが大事なのかわからない。 現状では要素技術の方が大事だと思うのだが。 (2003/8/8 増井)
Category: AR
Comment: 紙の上の情報とデジタル情報をリンクする。
        Disappearing Computer Initiativeに参加している
        <a href="http://www.paperplusplus.net/">Paper++</a>というプロジェクトをやっている。
Abstract: The affordances of paper have ensured its retention as a key
        information medium, in spite of dramatic increases in the use of
        digital technologies for information storage, processing and
        delivery. Recent developments in paper, printing and wand technologies
        may lead to the widespread use of digitally augmented paper in the
        near future, thereby enabling the paper and digital worlds to be
        linked together. We are interested in using these technologies to
        achieve a true integration of printed and digital information sources
        such that users may browse freely back and forth between paper and
        digital resources. We present web-based server technologies that
        support this integration by allowing users to dynamically link areas
        of printed documents to objects of an application database. The server
        component is implemented using the eXtensible Information Management
        Architecture (XIMA) and is independent of the particular paper,
        printing and reader technologies used to realise the digitally
        augmented paper. The framework presented manages semantic information
        about application objects, documents, users, links and client devices
        and it supports universal client access.
Bibtype: InProceedings
URL: http://www.globis.ethz.ch/publications/docs/2003a-ns-lncs.pdf
Month: may
Author: Moira C. Norrie
        Beat Signer
Booktitle: 2nd Workshop on Data Integration over the Web (DiWeb'02)
Title: Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information
Comment1: 何故サーバアーキテクチャが大事なのかわからない。
        (2003/8/8 増井)
Year: 2002
Date: 2003/08/08 04:40:07